
The Hapless Sun-worshiper

The Sun does not shine for me,
With Her cruel rays overwhelming the trees,
She bears down upon my shoulders.
As everything around me rejoices in the heat-
The Sun taxes me till I have nothing left
But a worn-out husk reminiscent of a devout worshipper.
Gone are the days of sunbasking,
Soaking up every last drop of that golden balm
Fondly called “Sunshine.”
And as I peer out from under my dark cloud
Hoping to fill my glass with the draught of the gods-
The tap runs dry, leaving me with nothing.

The Sun doesn’t shine for me,
O where, o where can I find nepenthe!
This lack of life racks my soul
And ushers in the somber, grey clouds of rain,
Clouds like morphine, killing my pain,
But too many of them drives me insane!
How does everyone keep themselves full,
Why are they always so drunk on the sun,
Is there naught left for me?!
Have I missed my last big break?
Oh, oh, You’re the source of my heartache!
I can remember a time when you made me drunk beyond compare,
I never minded if the people stared
-Ah, I found happiness there.
But alas, You left me in the void,
I envy the others as they get wasted,
For the Sun does not shine for me.

What I am

Who needs the moon when I have you?
Who needs the stars when I can gaze into your eyes?
With you I can do everything,
Without you I am lost.
Without you I’m the noble maple chained up in frost.
With you, I’m a Hero,
Performing the deeds of yore,
Without you I’m the poor cobbler,
Plagued by flies in his shoe-store.
Together, we can travel the stars,
An endless mystery to explore-
Without you, I’m directionless, heartless,
And sore.

What is Love?

What is love?
When I snatch a glimpse of her beauty,
My heart rushes like a hundred caged birds,
Tingles like electricity zipping through my body-
Is this infatuation?
I think about her everyday-but not every second.
Seeing her refreshes my soul but hasn’t become the well to quench this
Weary, desert traveler.
Then there’s Her.
Her red hair tangling my thoughts everyday as I try to stay sane
And hold my brain
After losing whatever I had for her.
She keeps coming back like that ole record, scratched,
Keeps playing the same damn melody over and over-
But it had to be the best part of the song, though.
Not that she cared for me,
As much as I knew,
Me, a gambler at the races betting
Against the dark horse,
Oh, lovely, lovely, dark horse!
I never understood Her, that one red-headed girl,
With her head in the clouds and her smile
A fire to warm me in the icy clutch of sable-coated night-
Why did she turn away from me?
Did she?
Oh Love, oh ignorance!